Return Policy Return Policy
Returns & Refund Guarantee
Returns & Refund is a guarantee provided by sellers for every product sell on this site.
When you receive a product that was bought and paid for on our site, and you find it is not as described, you can contact the seller to resolve these problems (according to the seller's set of returns guarantees).You will then be able to request a full refund and return the item, or keep the item and agree a partial refund with seller.
Scope of Guarantee
All products on site have the Returns & Refund guarantee. Any product bought through the site is protected if the items you received are not as described.
The following situations are not included:
1. An item you claim is not as described, but the seller can prove that it is.
2. Items are as described, but you no longer want them (unless the seller offers Easy Returns)
Guaranteed Protection Period
You can submit refund requests up to 15 days after your order has been completed.
Return Shipping Fee
If you agreed with the seller to return your item, please also check the seller’s shipping terms. If the seller pays the return shipping fee, please make sure you first agree on the shipping method and how the seller will pay you back the shipping fee.
We can only accept non faulty items returned to us within 30 days of purchase. All items must be returned to us before a refund or replacement is issued. Please thoroughly inspect any item your order from us on receipt as we will only accept products returned to us in their original condition and fit for re-sale unless we have been given prior notice that an item is faulty. Delivery charges are non refundable unless the item purchased is faulty or incorrect.
1. Contact us at
2. Carefully package the product and send to: No. 407, 4/F, Building C, Nine YuanChuangyuan, Longwu Industrial Area, Bulong Road, Mingzhi, Longhua, Shenzhen,China Zipcode: 518000
Returns & Refund Guarantee
Returns & Refund is a guarantee provided by sellers for every product sell on this site.
When you receive a product that was bought and paid for on our site, and you find it is not as described, you can contact the seller to resolve these problems (according to the seller's set of returns guarantees).You will then be able to request a full refund and return the item, or keep the item and agree a partial refund with seller.
Scope of Guarantee
All products on site have the Returns & Refund guarantee. Any product bought through the site is protected if the items you received are not as described.
The following situations are not included:
1. An item you claim is not as described, but the seller can prove that it is.
2. Items are as described, but you no longer want them (unless the seller offers Easy Returns)
Guaranteed Protection Period
You can submit refund requests up to 15 days after your order has been completed.
Return Shipping Fee
If you agreed with the seller to return your item, please also check the seller’s shipping terms. If the seller pays the return shipping fee, please make sure you first agree on the shipping method and how the seller will pay you back the shipping fee.
We can only accept non faulty items returned to us within 30 days of purchase. All items must be returned to us before a refund or replacement is issued. Please thoroughly inspect any item your order from us on receipt as we will only accept products returned to us in their original condition and fit for re-sale unless we have been given prior notice that an item is faulty. Delivery charges are non refundable unless the item purchased is faulty or incorrect.
1. Contact us at
2. Carefully package the product and send to: No. 407, 4/F, Building C, Nine YuanChuangyuan, Longwu Industrial Area, Bulong Road, Mingzhi, Longhua, Shenzhen,China Zipcode: 518000
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